Stop Motion Film
Boiled By the Bay, is a 2023 stop motion animation that I developed during the first three months of 2023. It was an intensive and new experience for me.
As a native Marylander and long-time visitor of the Chesapeake Bay, I wanted to create a film that captured the aged feeling of the old bay.
I built the set using a 4x4 ft wood base with carved and punctured styrofoam for the land. The water was crafted using Saran wrap. Paint and glued sand served as the textural base. Loose sand was applied on top.
To me, the life of a being a blue crab is to be constantly beaten up, missing limbs, boiled, or otherwise. The two characters are scavengers and survivors. I sculpted both heads using Blender. The bodies were sculpted using Sculpy. Wire and metal armatures lay underneath.
Sea glass is a token of the bay in my eyes. My blue crabs value sea glass. They value what they see in it. The set design was crafted using real leaves, dirt, and sticks. The trees were weathered hobby supplies.